Compiler Design Explained

compiler design

What is Compiler Design? A Compiler is software that is used to convert programs written in machine level language code or lower-level language code to create an executable program which the computer processor can understand. Thus a cross compiler that runs on a machine ‘A’ produces code for another machine ‘B’. This type of conversion of code from one language to another language goes through multiple intermediate processes that are distinguished into 6 Phases. Let me take the opportunity to help you access Compiler Design Explained with basic principles.

Why Learn Compiler Design?

Computers are those electronic devices that are a balanced mix of software and hardware. Once you gained an in-depth view of Compiler design principles that help you in the translation and optimization process it becomes easy for you to translate the code to a different language while continuing to maintain the meaning of the entire program. Therefore, it is very essential that a compiler creates the target code efficiently and effectively optimizes it with space and time. The hardware of any device is denoted as its mechanical part that understands the instructions given in electronic form whose functions are programmed by compatible software using binary language. The Binary language consists of only “zero” and “one”. To create hardware codes the computer programmers are required to use this binary format with 1 and 0 series which is a cumbersome task. Thus to eliminate the risk of coding the programmers started accessing compilers to write these hardware codes. These apply to all different types of websites and web applications. Everything from databases to adult websites. Escort sites in particular among other adult sites utilize location identification and call databases to present information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Get Started using the Compiler Design:

Here is the list of factors you need to consider for compiler design:

  1. Language Processing System: As we all are aware of the fact that the computer system can be divided into the software and the hardware components. Like we speak our mother tongue the hardware also understands a particular language. Therefore the computer programmers started writing programs in a higher level language, which helps us to better understand and memorize the same. These programs are then incorporated into varied components and formats. These programs get to access the desired codes that eases our task to access the system. In other words, this process summarizes the know how of a Language Processing System.
  2. Audience: Students with an interest in designing and learn the basic principles of compilers are a good audience. Eager readers who are interested to know more about compilers and wish to design them compiler can start from this point.
  3. Prerequisites: To better understand the process of compiler designing the candidates are required to have a beginner level of knowledge in programming languages like C, Java, etc. It works as a bonus if carry an experience in Assembly Programming.

How does it work?

The compilation process includes a series of various phases. Each phase is interlinked with its previous stage for inputs and owns representation of source program which are required to feed its output to form the next phase of the compiler. Let’s get into detail and deep dive into the different phases of a compiler.

Here is the list of types of Compilers Phases:

Front-end Phases of Compilers:

  1. Analyzer – Lexical: It is a phase that interprets the characters directly from the resource program which later gets grouped into significant sequences with the help of tokens that are easy to identify. This process is known as scanning. During the whole process, this compiler makes the consequent token’s entry into the passes and symbol table these tokens to syntax analyzer.
  2. Analyzer – Syntax: It is the second phase which is also known as parsing. During this phase, the tokens availed are composed to form a syntax tree data structure which is intermediate tree-like. This phase also includes the child nodes and an operator.
  3. Analyzer – Semantic: It is a phase that uses the symbol table alongside the previous phase’s syntax tree to make sure that the source code is reliable semantically. Type-checking is probably one critical work performed by a semantic analyzer. Hence when the language allows few conversion types it helps the semantic analyzer to get its job done. However, if there is any type of mismatch found then and no rules to gratify the preferred process, then it throws the semantic error.
  4. Generator – Intermediate Code: Post the semantic and syntax analysis, several compilers create an unambiguous machine-like low-level code which is known as an intermediate code. This is the generator phase for intermediate code. However, for your information, this code owns two important properties such as it easily produces and capable to translate into machine code that is similar to the assembly language code.

Compiler’s Back-end Phases

When the code is framed in the correct format the compiler automatically works on the code optimization to offer enhanced performance. The optimized code is further transformed to the target language code in the compiler.

  1. Code Optimizer: It is a possibility that helps the intermediate code to form an optimized code that eliminates the power for generating optimized code and unnecessary steps to the least time.
  2. Code Generator: It is the final phase that converts the optimized or the intermediate code into the targeted language. As we know the machine code is the target language, during the process of code generation by the end of this phase it is observed that few codes are executed to generate outputs and obtain inputs.


Those who are new to compiler design need to follow the guidelines to get started their coding journey. Just follow the error handling and symbolic table that act together with the phases and offer your various details regarding every symbolic table and phase that are updated in the same way. Also, keep track of run-time errors, semantic errors, syntax errors, etc. that occur in each phase. Access the best compiler and gain in-depth info regarding the phases of the compiler to generate your own coding.